The Honking Goose

something to honk about

on love and hate

I have this saying, “hate is when you love something a really, teeny, tiny, itsy-bitsy, infinitesimal amount.” Hate is such a strong word. But when you think of it as being at the far end of the love continuum, it doesn’t seem so bad.

red heart with pink lines

Image source: Internet

For example, I hate spiders. But when I think about what that means, I realize I just have such a small amount of love for them, it’s almost unrecognizable. But I love that they eat mosquitos. Because I hate mosquitos.

23 comments on “on love and hate

  1. Gowtham Grosz
    January 20, 2015

    Reblogged this on Gowtham Grosz.


  2. hessiafae
    October 12, 2014

    Once I really opened up the the Universe, what initially felt like hate became pity and compassion. It seems that like anger, hate is a secondary emotion, usually related to fear.


  3. Craig
    October 8, 2014

    This is interesting because since I started appreciating all life, I’ve found myself in a little dilemma. I found a cockroach and I had no idea what to do with it. Killing the poor thing is against my belief but that doesn’t mean I want it near me. We had a standoff for about a minute and all of a sudden, it walked to the window and it was gone. I respect them more now


    • thehonkinggoose
      October 8, 2014

      I was at holiday party one time and I told the host (a Buddhist) that her dog had a tick on it. She removed the tick and took it outside and set it free. I just thought that was taking it too far. But, her house, her rules…


      • Craig
        October 8, 2014

        I hadn’t considered this aspect of compassionate living, I should blog about it


  4. Yoshiko
    October 7, 2014

    Oh I hate cockroach especially the flying ones.

    Thank you to follow my poetry blog. Hope you enjoy it šŸ™‚


  5. Underdaddy
    October 7, 2014

    I hate completely when it comes to wasps. If I could eradicate them but the trade off was decline of life on Earth I would just try to enjoy some wasp free years while it collapses. They are ants with swords for wings and a hypodermic needle on their butts. Just awful.


  6. Megan Holt
    October 7, 2014

    I definitely hate mosquitoes too!! My family and I just moved from Hawaii to Washington state and we definitely don’t miss those blood suckers!


    • thehonkinggoose
      October 7, 2014

      Does Hawaii have a lot of mosquitos? And you don’t have them in WA?


      • Megan Holt
        October 7, 2014

        Oh, yes! They’re everywhere in Hawai’i! They do have them in WA but luckily you’re not as surrounded by them like you are back home. If you go hiking or plan to spend a bit of time out you can come across them.


  7. Bryn Marlow
    October 7, 2014

    I hate mosquitoes, too, and I love that they have done more than their fair share to protect the environment by making deforestation in some areas impossible. To have any kind of strong reaction to something/someone signals a type of felt connectionā€”whether that;’s love or hate. We feel nothing towards insects/animals/people we are incapable of or choose not to see.


    • thehonkinggoose
      October 7, 2014

      I read this great children’s book to my kids about how Man told Mother Nature he liked frogs (to eat) but would like her to get rid of mosquitos; then Frog told Mother nature he liked mosquitos (to eat) but would she please get rid of Man; then Mosquito told Mother Nature he liked man (to eat) but would she please get rid of frogs. Mother Nature knows best! šŸ˜€


  8. carolynquinn
    October 7, 2014

    The opposite of love is supposed to be hate, but really, it’s more like indifference. If you hate, you still care. If you’re indifferent, though…the person no longer exists for you! šŸ™‚


  9. nearlywes
    October 7, 2014

    I try not to say I hate anyone that I dislike because saying that means I care enough about them to even acknowledge that scale. šŸ˜€


  10. throwbackwords
    October 7, 2014

    I agree!!!


Honk at me:


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