The Honking Goose

something to honk about

tinkle, tinkle

large star with little stars around it's border

When my children were very small and learning to use the potty, I made up a song to sing to them. Sung to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, these are the words:

Tinkle, tinkle
little pee
how I wonder
where you’ll be

in a diaper or
on the pot
outside or
maybe not

tinkle, tinkle
little pee
how I wonder
where you’ll be

It might seem silly, but that is the whole point. Silliness can be a saving grace to parents who are tasked with jobs of such enormous responsibility. What silly things do you (or did you) do as a parent?

45 comments on “tinkle, tinkle

  1. Aahilic Aish
    November 6, 2014

    Well written…. gonna ask my sister to use it, for my nieces.


  2. rachealizations
    November 2, 2014

    That is adorable! My Little Man had a lot of trouble trying to give up his binky, and it was time to, but I didn’t want to have a power struggle over it. He has always been uber compassionate. So, one day I suggested to him that we send all of his binkies (he must have had a dozen in various spots around the house) to children across the world who weren’t lucky enough to have binkies. He collected them all and we put them in a little box that he decorated. He was sad about giving them up for a couple of days, but he felt good about the thought of giving something to other kids. Deceptive, I realize, but instead of feeling resentful or disempowered, he got to feel like he did something special for other kids, while also protecting his teeth.


    • thehonkinggoose
      November 2, 2014

      Both my boys refused to ever take a pacifier when they were babies. I don’t know why. I offered them.


  3. braixetta
    November 2, 2014

    Reblogged this on fenneblogin.


  4. John W. Howell
    November 2, 2014

    Very good. For the boy, I used to float cheerio targets. The girl was so much smarter. She chose dry over wet and was really young when she decided not to do diaper anymore.


  5. AlwaysARedhead
    November 2, 2014

    Fabulous little poem. I’ve lost track of all the silly things we have done over the years, the list is far too long.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. christianliving2014
    November 1, 2014

    Cute! I’m not a parent. I’m letting everyone know that every Saturday I will be sending a message to let everyone know what’s going on with my blog. This last week was mostly photos, a short story, and mostly a bunch of short articles. Next week I’m working on some great new exciting photos and many articles on health, business, other short stories and many other things. You’re a great writer and I enjoy reading what you have to say. Your stories always cheer me up. Thank you for sharing them.


  7. Pamplemousse
    November 1, 2014

    That is so cute!! I still have one kid in diapers, I will for sure use this song with him!!


  8. talkin2missie
    November 1, 2014

    Great blog entry.


  9. threekidsandi
    November 1, 2014

    I sang my last baby the ¨Five Little Speckled Frogs¨ song while she was on the potty. She loved it.


  10. JoAnne Silvia
    November 1, 2014

    When my son was little I would exercise on my back with my legs up and he’d put his tummy on my feet and I’d lift him up like he was flying on my feet. Then He’d lay on the front of my lower legs and I’d lift him up and down and say: Wooshybar with each lift. I have no idea where that word came from, but he loved it, til he just got to big and I couldn’t lift him.


  11. chaossurvivor
    November 1, 2014

    To help make breakfast more exciting I told my little boy (he’s now 7) that the cereal was food for whichever animal was on the front. So there was dragon food and tiger food etc. Regretted it so much when the kids were asked in nursery what they had for breakfast and he replied ‘dog food’ – oops!


  12. Paige Givens
    November 1, 2014

    My husband always wakes up our boys, 7 and 5, by turning on the light and singing “Rise and shine, cupcakes!”
    They act like they hate it, but they get up!;)

    Liked by 1 person

  13. grannyK
    November 1, 2014

    Silly is a great option! It relaxes kids and takes the fear away! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  14. joeyfullystated
    November 1, 2014

    I read my daughter the “ming ming fairy” story, printed from the internet, then lay her pacifiers on the window sill for the ming ming fairy to take them for all the new babies who need them.
    It worked like a charm. I owe all my happiness to whomever wrote that story!

    Liked by 1 person

    • thehonkinggoose
      November 1, 2014

      Nice! My babies would never take a pacifier, either one of them – I don’t know why!


  15. simplygiselle
    November 1, 2014

    Well, over 20 yrs ago when my daughter was just a tot, she, like many other children would say there was a monster in the room. I filled an old bottle of hairspray with water, slapped on a label marked, Monster Be Gone, and she would laugh and laugh watching me spray the room to get rid of the monsters.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. theanimekpopblogger270
    November 1, 2014

    Lol it’s silly but cute ^_^


  17. Inthegazeoftheother
    November 1, 2014

    Here’s a silly thing one ought NOT to do. I used to call to my little ones, “It’s beating up time!!” and they would run for some fun and wrestling. The irony of the name of the game was lost to them, of course. What it meant was Mom had a free moment to get the wigglies out, and we would all laugh and roll around on the floor, they trying to tickle and pin me down in a wrestling hold.

    It was all fun and games until my four year old asked me in front of her pre-school teacher, “Mom is it beating up time?” I instantly regretted the unfortunate name for that activity.


  18. glitterydragon
    November 1, 2014

    Infectious 🙂


    • thehonkinggoose
      November 1, 2014

      We still find ourselves singing that little song sometimes, even though my boys are years past the potty learning stage.

      Liked by 1 person

  19. mitchteemley
    November 1, 2014

    ;>) On the same note, thought you might enjoy this brief “potty adventure” post about my daughter.


  20. John
    November 1, 2014

    This is a great idea, and if it works, go for it. 🙂


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