The Honking Goose

something to honk about

Why it is your obligation to be successful?

I agree with and support the ideas expressed in this article by
Oaktownvibes. And I would like to expand on those ideas with the following:

One of the most crucial areas in which society needs to progress (and in a way, regress, actually) is our collective perception of “success”. Right now, there is a strong societal pressure to be successful in a career/financially. I hope in the future, and certainly in the past, cultures have had a wider vision of what constitutes success. Religion, I think, played a valuable role in many regards in that it offered people ways to be successful morally, in service to ourselves and our communities. But we don’t need religion to come to a group concensus that there is value in service to others and to the greater good.

Further, I think this is a critical facet almost entirely missing from the current feminism movement. Trying to reach for equality with men by trying to achieve the same goals as them, and in the same way as them, is fine for anyone that chooses that path, but it is absolutely not a requisite for equality. Women deserve equal respect and rights while still maintaining individuality and autonomy as a sex or gender if that is what is satisfying to them. That is challenging though, because it means we need to retrain our society to place equal value on things like childcare, housekeeping, community building, service to others. And I hope it is clear that I’m not saying women should do those things only, I’m not. I’m saying when a woman OR a man provides childcare, or a clean and safe home, or a helping hand to someone who needs it, that woman OR man deserves the same respect and honor as someone who built a business from scratch or got elected to serve in government, for example.

Genius Unbound

Everyone is motivated to be successful for one reason or another. Some are motivated to escape their current realities, others for their love of achievement, to prove everyone wrong that counted them out and the list goes on. Every reason for why you want to be successful is valid, but there is one reason that sets world shaking success side from the common results of success and that reason, is for the inspiration for others.

Most people don’t believe in themselves. The majority of people on a world wide scale wont even attempt to go after something because they don’t even believe its possible, they think they need to be special, have a ridiculous amount of money or they’re under the illusion that you need to know people in high places. All of these reasons are extremely useful but they are not mandatory, nor are they true.

Hope is what people…

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6 comments on “Why it is your obligation to be successful?

  1. latskojerry
    November 26, 2016

    Materialism is the religion of the brainwashed masses, at least in this country. I don’t like to be constantly worried about money, but I know that real success is when I feel part of something good that helps us all.

    Liked by 2 people

    • thehonkinggoose
      November 26, 2016

      We know material wealth does not equate with happiness or satisfaction. Clearly, plenty of people haven’t gotten that memo yet.


  2. Melanie
    November 26, 2016

    In regard to Feminism: it all depends upon which version of Feminism you pay attnetion to whether these things are valued or not. I cannot identify with third-wavers because they too often take for granted that women have achieved equality in many spheres when, in reality, only some women, usually white and upper-middle class, are close to that goal. Third-wavers often refuse to see that the glass ceiling continues to exist for the vast majority of women, and that double standards are still solidly in place when it comes to social issues, particularly relationships and child rearing.

    My goal as a second-wave Feminist is to continue the work of previous generations and seek true legal equality for everyone, regardless of race/ethnicity/religion/disability/orientation and to create a world where boys and girls are raised with equal respect as individuals who are not conscribed to artificial gender roles. Too much of the third wave discussion is too busy praising false “empowerment” that modes and models that, when deconstructed, are really just a continuation of patriarchy disguised as “choices” that only serve the desires of the existing power structure and continue to oppress the historically oppressed.

    My sister had a great career until she gave it up when her first child had an accident at a year old and she decided it was necessary to become a stay at home parent. She was in a position to make that choice–her husband earns a large salary with generous benefits–but she KNOWS that in today’s world, being a stay-at-home parent is a luxury few can afford. She appreciates that she can do either, and will likely return to the work force when her youngest child is a few years older. In my view of feminism, real equality will mean that people like my sister will be respected for doing what they judge to be best for their situation, rather than judged because they chose (or were compelled by forces beyond their control) to go one way or the other. But it will also be a world where a man’s employment is not valued more than a woman’s, and a world where employers stop treating women according to their marital or parental status, allowing equal benefits and accommodations to all, rather than finding excuses to limit or eliminate opportunities for working mothers (especially since working fathers tend to receive *more* benefits, promotions, and salary increases while working mothers receive *fewer* of these).

    True equality. I doubt it will happen during my lifetime but I will consider myself a success if I keep working toward it no matter.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thehonkinggoose
      November 26, 2016

      I appreciate that perspective. I haven’t studied feminism other than very briefly years ago in college, so I don’t use those technical definitions and I tend, as you saw, to lump it all together in one category. Although that is painting with a very broad brush. Your comment is a good reminder that it is not that simple. Also if pressed I would certainly define myself as a feminist among other things.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Cindy Bruchman
    November 26, 2016

    I’m a tad older than you, but I remember when I left high school, it was expected I’d get married, have kids, and that would be my identity. I did do some of the that, but I also enlisted in the Navy and then went to college after my divorce at the age of 31. The point I’m making is, I agree motivation is a peculiar part of the human psyche. You have to dream first, then take that big step toward it. Each step empowers you. Fear is the natural enemy to motivation. Now, throw in what you are striving for — money? lifestyle? personal fulfillment? Health? I always envied women who enjoyed and were content being a stay-at-home mom. That’s truly where the magic is made.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thehonkinggoose
      November 26, 2016

      I think more women, as well as men, would be content with that role if society would respect it more. And it is so valuable to our communities to have parents, anyone, women and men, who work hard at things where there is no monetary reward. We will be a better society when we learn to do that.

      Liked by 1 person

Honk at me:


This entry was posted on November 26, 2016 by in Culture, Work.