The Honking Goose

something to honk about

hungry people are angry people

Have you ever noticed how cranky your kids get when they are hungry? If my kids are acting unhappy, the first thing I will try to do is feed them. That fixes the problem about 90% of the time. (That shows you how good my kids have it – they usually don’t have any good reason to be upset.)

red angry worm with sharp teeth holding fork and knife

I am the same way. If I’m especially grumpy for no good reason, it’s probably because I was busy and skipped a meal. Because I have dealt with it so many times with my kids, I finally noticed that I would do the exact same thing.

Which leads me to my conclusion that angry people are hungry people.

There are millions of people in this country alone that eat a totally crap diet of over-processed pseudo-food laden with artificial flavors, sugar, and corn or soy fillers. Food that is remarkably devoid of real nutrition. Food that leads people to feel full even while their bodies still hunger for real nutriment.

And that, I believe, leads many people to feel crabby, frustrated, and angry. Little bumps in the road of life may cause them to feel overwhelmingly upset. This could truly be due to their body’s lack of energy.

I’ve heard a new word lately, “hangry”. I’m not sure if it was meant to describe what I’m talking about here, but it does describe it pretty accurately. So my unsolicited advice for today is: feed yourself. Eat well, food that is rich in nutrition. Food that will give your body and your mind strength to face the days challenges. Eat and be happy, my friends.

Do you agree? Have you met with any “hangry” people lately? What did you do?

66 comments on “hungry people are angry people

  1. thenovelist
    May 11, 2015

    I remember the adage from a small girl called ‘a hungry man is an angry man.’


  2. cat9984
    December 14, 2014

    Just a different point of view – there are a lot of people eating junk because they can’t afford fruits and vegetables. Or they live in a ‘food desert’ where there is no access to good food without a car.


    • thehonkinggoose
      December 14, 2014

      Well, that’s not really an opposing point of view. Just another aspect to the issue. I fully agree with you – ‘food deserts’ is a very real problem.


  3. DoomPatrolman
    November 26, 2014

    We could prevent a lot of road rage if everyone would just stock up on healthy fruits in their cars before heading down a traffic-heavy highway. I’m convinced every road rage incident is caused by seriously HANGRY people rushing to a meal.


  4. zalgha200
    November 24, 2014

    Reblogged this on ZAINAB ALGHAMDI and commented:
    That is 100% true, and I am one of those people!! the first thing to think about if I act crazy is feed my self…I think its the low level of blood sugar in the body that the body cannot deal with it and act like agitate the thing that make a sign for our brain that food is needed to balance blood sugar,,, may be but once we eat we relax and feel better explain this.


  5. 01yeendi
    November 22, 2014

    this post is so true! I sometimes find after being hangry for so long i start to get the giggles really bad, like the body is being forced into a ‘high’ with no fuel.


  6. lgillum
    November 22, 2014

    May I offer another point of view? Dieting people, people who only eat nutritious food can be “hangry” as well; especially when seeing others eating something they can’t. It fuels the “hangry” demon, actually. I can’t tell you how many times I have been sitting there, minding my own business, eating my salad and rice cakes for the third week in a row and some jack hole comes and sits next to me with a plate full of delicious goodness (pizza, greasy cheeseburger, and chocolate cake galore) that, if I even smell it, would make my butt jiggle for a week. My “hangry” demon then takes over. When I finally come back to reality, I’m butt naked rolling in chocolate cake with pizza sauce in my hair and bits of burger bun stuck in my teeth…embarrassing…!


    • thehonkinggoose
      November 22, 2014

      Oh my goodness – what an image that bring to mind! I can see how that could be the other side of the ‘hangry’ coin.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. PsiFiGal
    November 22, 2014

    Sorry I wasn’t able to read all the comments, so maybe someone else already said this… It reminds me of those commercials for Snickers bars, they are quite clever. I am the first to admit that I don’t eat right, but I did just eat a big salad and now I’m eating my dessert, which just happens to be 2 mini Snickers! I am trying to gain weight so I don’t feel too guilty but my dentist probably wouldn’t approve πŸ™‚ Great post!


    • thehonkinggoose
      November 22, 2014

      I’m always trying to gain weight as well, so I can relate to you on that one.


  8. Russel DDK
    November 21, 2014

    Excellent post! Completely agree with your viewpoint.


  9. If it’s really because you skipped a meal, it’s probably ok to get some chow. But: if you really are trying to fight anger with food, you will grow a second, third, and eventually, a fourth chin. Eating relieves stress, that is true. It releases a neurotransmitter, cortisol, which counteracts most stress hormones. If you cultivate that habit, your body will crave food every time you are under pressure, even if you’ve already had plenty of cals. And you’ll not find yourself eating yourself happy, but eating away the frustration. Just a little caveat to your theory.


    • thehonkinggoose
      November 21, 2014

      Is that what people mean by hangry? eating for comfort? You’re right. That is a different issue entirely.


  10. gh0stpupp3t
    November 21, 2014

    All I know is that I get bitchy when I’m hungry..


  11. rebeccaalene
    November 21, 2014

    You’re so smart. I’ll have an epic battle with my oldest to only realize (after much frustration on both sides) that’s he’s hungry. I should just start with food and see where it goes from there. πŸ˜‰

    And I agree. People are either hungry or sexually frustrated. One of my husband’s history professors once said, “sexually satisfied people don’t try to take over the world. All they want to do is roll over and go to sleep.” It made me laugh.


    • thehonkinggoose
      November 21, 2014

      Sexual hunger is another topic altogether. But I can definitely see how that would make people crabby, too. sexual-hunger-angry = shangry


  12. emiliamueller
    November 21, 2014

    That’s me! Hangry! ;))


  13. christianliving2014
    November 21, 2014

    Great write! I have started a raw food diet because of the chemicals in food. Yes, being hungry can affect your mood.


    • thehonkinggoose
      November 21, 2014

      My husband told me about this experiment where people tried to get all their nutritional needs from raw vegetables and fruits and they literally had to be eating constantly during their waking hours to meet their bodies requirements. I would be careful with that. Take care, my friend.


  14. MB
    November 21, 2014

    We have left many a restaurant (read: chains) because my husband has been “hangry”. I remember seeing the look on his face when we went to a chain steakhouse and a whole group of people who showed up after us were seated at the bar. I knew we wouldn’t be staying — I mean, we would have sat at the bar. It was just us before we had kids.

    Also, he genuinely loves to cook for fun and function and is good at it, so he doesn’t understand why he should wait too long at a so-so place when he’s starving and could cook the food himself. If it’s a really good restaurant, he’ll wait.

    I tend to just feel nauseous and lightheaded and have a headache when I’m hungry, so I appear nervous and/or ill.

    Such good points you make, and I think hunger is at the top of that needs pyramid, isn’t it?


    • thehonkinggoose
      November 21, 2014

      I think that would be the bottom of the pyramid, wouldn’t it? First things, first.

      My husband used to cook more before we had kids. I like it when he cooks. πŸ˜€


  15. kantauriitsasoa
    November 21, 2014

    Ummmm yes, I think food is very important to be happy, but not only for not to be angry, for healthy in general. You need all type of food. You need vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbohydrates to make your best effort every day πŸ˜€


  16. Glynis Jolly
    November 21, 2014

    Is this the idea behind the Snicker’s commercial?

    Although I agree with you, I have a bad habit of eating when I’m tired. Result: I’m overweight.


    • thehonkinggoose
      November 21, 2014

      I had to skip lunch yesterday to go from work to parent-teacher conferences and I ate a candy bar in lieu of lunch. Not great, but I made it through. I guess it’s better than nothing?


  17. The Otaku Judge
    November 21, 2014

    I have a bad temper and am a fatso, so there may be something to this.


  18. richbrunelle
    November 21, 2014

    Reblogged this on WHY? and commented:
    Hope you do not mind the reblog. Good Stuff!
    Rich Brunelle


  19. richbrunelle
    November 21, 2014

    I believe this is the second time I have caught you making sense with your writing . . . Hangry, got to give this some thought.


  20. Pottsy
    November 21, 2014

    Despite being nearly 30 I’m definitely a hangry person. I also get angry when I’m tired (tangry?) and don’t come anywhere near me when I’m tired and hungry (thangry?)! My fiance usually resorts to throwing clementines or chocolate at me from a safe distance until I calm down. Possibly the chocolate lacks nutritional value.


  21. Ruth Chadwick
    November 21, 2014

    Tried the 5:2 diet? Could be where hangry began. 5pm on a fast day with kids in tow is a recipe for a whole lotta hangry. Good food is the only way through.


  22. J.Gi Federizo
    November 20, 2014

    I think there is so much truth in there. And I think, sometimes, it can be a hunger for other things that need to be satisfied.


  23. sklcolorado
    November 20, 2014

    I get cranky when I don’t eat as well as my children (who are now 20, 23 and 25). It’s gotten to be so obvious that it becomes a joke when we’re out shopping or just out-and-about. My wife says, “You better eat something or you’re going to be a PITA in about an hour!”. She knows it and I know it. So, we go find some food. I don’t find that the quality is quite as important, but it sure doesn’t hurt to eat something good.


    • thehonkinggoose
      November 21, 2014

      I think quality becomes important over the long run. Like over the course of a month and a year and longer. Only in America, and a few other select places, could people be malnourished and full at the same time.


      • sklcolorado
        November 21, 2014

        I eat home-cooked food most of the time, so the occasional lunch/dinner out doesn’t affect me all that much. So, I cannot disagree that eating fast food regularly might have a long-term impact on general health. It is interesting to consider that there are people who may do this all the time. My wife reviews the costs of home-cooked meals with me from time-to-time and it’s so much less costly to eat at home, and home-cooked meals taste better, that I often wonder why people go out so much. Thanks for posting . . . enjoyed it.

        Liked by 1 person

  24. dale harkness
    November 20, 2014

    Hunger definitely brings on a change in temper. I think we can also Include stress and a lack of sleep as problem causers too as they each contribute in their own way to anger. When my temper rises because of hunger, I can consume half an avocado which seems to help adjust my mood fairly quick and returns a level of calm.


  25. Marissa Bergen
    November 20, 2014

    This is a very likely reason of why my husband is so depressed.


  26. Elyse
    November 20, 2014

    I learned that hungry folks are angry folks when I worked in a restaurant in my teens. It is not the best view of humanity.


    • thehonkinggoose
      November 20, 2014

      I wonder if that is why my step mom is such a PITA when we eat out together. That might explain it. But no excuses!

      Liked by 1 person

  27. John
    November 20, 2014

    Totally agree! Frankly, I say it’s a conspiracy – a sickly population is much easier to control… Truly good for you food is so overpriced, whilst the fast food chains are certainly raking in the dough.


    • thehonkinggoose
      November 20, 2014

      Another conspiracy! It all makes sense now.


      • John
        November 20, 2014

        Yeah OK, I can be another conspiracy nut!! 😁


        • thehonkinggoose
          November 20, 2014

          You and me, both.


          • mjmsprt40
            November 21, 2014

            Ever try truck-stop “food”? That stuff resembles food the same way the “Onion” resembles a legitimate news source.


            • thehonkinggoose
              November 21, 2014

              LOL, I have to admit, I have not been a frequent purveyor of truck stop ‘food’.


  28. Victo Dolore
    November 20, 2014

    Try collecting copays from fasting patients…. :-/


  29. Your Moderate Mama
    November 20, 2014

    Moderate Daddy is worse than the kids when hunger strikes!!

    I have to pack him a snack too πŸ˜‰


  30. cdog5
    November 20, 2014

    Excellent point, and something to consider when encountering angry people. Thank you for this interesting post!


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