The Honking Goose

something to honk about

misinformation about vaccines by John Oliver on Last Week Tonight June 25, 2017

I should probably leave this alone, but… here goes nothing. Here’s the video of the segment on the show dedicated to vaccines.

The misleading statement comes at about 24:30. John Oliver says, “and even when it comes to other side effects, like a severe allergic reaction, it is literally, according to the CDC, close to one in a million. And I know in a way that is not actually helpful because every parent thinks their child is one in a million.”

Pay close attention, while John Oliver makes that statement the graphic on the screen says this “1.31 per million doses”. Catch that? That would be equivalent to roughly one in a million children IF each child only received ONE SINGLE vaccine dose during childhood. According to the CDC’s recommended vaccine schedule, a child will receive 30 doses by age 18. Let’s do the math. 1.31 million divided by 30 doses equals 43,667. That means one in every 43,667 children, under the age of 18, will experience a serious side effect such as severe allergic reaction.

ONE IN 43,000 children!! That is a far cry from one in a million. There are almost that many people in the city where I live.

I understand the benefits of vaccination. As a parent, I want accurate, factual information to make critical decisions about the health of my child. Why is John Oliver deliberately spreading misinformation and fake numbers? In a segment where he criticizes parents for making bad decisions about vaccines due to lack of information. In the same segment he is spreading misinformation. Why not just rely on the TRUTH John Oliver?! Shame on you!

10 comments on “misinformation about vaccines by John Oliver on Last Week Tonight June 25, 2017

  1. You should write things like SPOILER ALERT

    Liked by 1 person

  2. frederick anderson
    July 4, 2017

    ‘Truth’ sadly, does not exist. I have watched this debate over many years from a neutral standpoint, because the one-fits-all vaccine came into being after my children. The diminished value of honesty in our society means we will NEVER achieve honesty, because everyone has a position to defend, and the prospect of being publicly humiliated and pilloried if they dare to question the prevailing view. Drugs should not be a resource for commercial activity: to place a ‘patent’ upon something that could save a life and then make it unaffordable, to have a pecuniary interest in anything to do with health is to pollute the waters wherein we dwell. As to vaccination, yes, there is smoke where there is fire. And there is scaremongering, too. I had whooping cough when I was an infant – I didn’t die.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thehonkinggoose
      July 4, 2017

      Sadly, I think most mainstream pro-vaxxers, nurses and doctors and the like, misinterpret the concerns of anti-vaxxers and brush them off as ignorant deplorables. And I think anti-vaxxers mistakenly do much to portray themselves as such.

      When really, we are all on the same side. Every parent just wants to make the decisions that will best protect their child. Vaccines do protect us from dangerous illnesses. And vaccines can have dangerous side effects. Both are true, so everyone will benefit if the vaccine manufacturers continue to improve the safety of vaccines. That is not too much to ask for.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. MrJohnson
    June 28, 2017

    I’m not sure what happened before I had a memory but I don’t recall having even 10 vaccinations in my life.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thehonkinggoose
      June 29, 2017

      I’m sure I had at least that many. There are more doses now. But I also went back and edited my post, because it turns out I had the wrong CDC numbers.


  4. latskojerry
    June 28, 2017

    I know, and I am assured by friends in the health care field, that vaccinations work, starting with the polio vaccines I received in elementary school. I have been somewhat skeptical in the past few decades, however, because my distrust of the governmental agencies due to the strong ties to the pharmaceutical industry and the not remote possibility that spooks favoring population control could pull a fast one seems warranted. So it is a difficult dice toss but when it came down to it I had my son vaccinated. You are correct; both sides of the controversy must aim for the truth, but there isn’t much of that going on these days.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thehonkinggoose
      June 29, 2017

      I saw how effective vaccinations can be when the chicken pox vaccine became standard. As I’m sure you know, when I was a kid 30 years ago, we all got chicken pox on purpose to get it over with. Now it’s practically gone, at least here in CA. The only kid I have known to get chicken pox in the past ten years contracted it while traveling in Mexico. So, I’m all for vaccines. Since pharmaceutical companies are out for their bottom line, not public health, it takes the public to hold them accountable to continually improving vaccines and making them safer.


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