The Honking Goose

something to honk about

why do people don’t like Miley Cyrus?

First of all, you might think that is not a grammatically correct way to phrase my title.  Let me assure you, I wrote it that way on purpose because that is exactly what I’m trying to say.  That’s out of the way…

I need to ask you this question because A) until very recently I didn’t even know who Miley Cyrus was.

Image source: I stole this off of the internet

Image source: Internet

I’m not old, but I am in my 30’s and I’ve been busy parenting young children and I don’t own a television.  I am on the internet a fair amount, but selectively.  So the whole Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus thing had slipped by me unnoticed until a few months ago.  Maybe I’m lame, but if so I wear that badge proudly.

and I need to ask you this question because B) upon finding out who she was and listening to some of her music, I like Miley Cyrus.

Go ahead, you can get out your flamethrowers now.  I’m clearly not alone in liking her music.  And I’ve also heard a couple interviews with her and I appreciate her spunk and her attitude and her perspective.

This is my favorite song right now:

So what’s the big deal?  How come people don’t like Miley Cyrus?  Keep in mind, I HAVE BEEN LIVING UNDER A PROVERBIAL ROCK.  So, I need all the information.  Don’t leave anything out and assume I obviously know that part of the story, because I totally don’t.  Please, help me understand…

38 comments on “why do people don’t like Miley Cyrus?

  1. grevisangel73
    October 28, 2016

    I’m just not into her music, but I did like the material she did with Melanie.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Why do people don’t like Miley Cyrus? |

  3. dotcablogger
    October 13, 2014

    I’m not interested if you call me “slut shaming” because I really have a valid observation about Miley Cyrus. She does gimmicks with what she thinks is sexy.

    Seriously she has her tongue hanging out like All The Time.

    I think that tongue of hers distracts from her singing.

    I basically get turned off and disgusted whenever Miley Cyrus hangs and waggles her tongue during each song of hers.

    Is she having a stroke during every one of her songs, which is why she ends up having her tongue flailing out of her mouth?!

    Miley Cyrus also follows the well wornout music industry precedent of sex stunts. So she just uncritically agrees with these expectations. She’s just another female drone who does sex gimmicks because she doesn’t question if her talent really needs these gimmicks.

    So Miley Cyrus has just said “Yup, I’ll be that next monkey who’ll continue including sex stunts in my act”.

    I seriously question the value of these sex stunt of hers. I can ask, “What does this exposition actually musically accomplish in Miley Cyrus’ message in her song?”.

    To me, I just see some chick sitting naked on construction equipment. And nothing else. So whatever artistic human spirit message that Miley was trying to perform in Wrecking Ball was sorely obscured by her choice to sit naked on construction equipment.

    So, as you can tell, Miley Cyrus as a performer is crap to me.

    Maybe if she dropped her sex gimmicks, I would respect her work.


    • thehonkinggoose
      October 13, 2014

      I think Miley Cyrus is just really feelin’ herself. 😀

      From the king of crude, Mac Dre: (don’t listen if you are only into pc music or have little children around)


      • dotcablogger
        October 13, 2014

        Ha ha :). I read the lyrics to Feelin’ Myself, and I still don’t translate that rap into speech that I’m used to 😛


        • dotcablogger
          October 13, 2014

          I completely don’t understand what that guy is saying! 😛


        • thehonkinggoose
          October 13, 2014

          I’m not offended by that stuff, I appreciate it within the context of the art form that it is. 🙂


  4. Pingback: a role model for girls: Ariana Grande vs. Miley Cyrus | The Honking Goose

  5. sonworshiper
    October 6, 2014

    I must admit, I have “Wrecking Ball” mixed into my gym music. Every once in a while my daughter gives me crap about that. She’s not a fan because of all the “going bad” and the associated attention that came with that.

    I don’t do anything to dissuade her from that opinion. 😀


    • thehonkinggoose
      October 7, 2014

      I can’t help it, I really like some of Miley’s music. What does your daughter listen to?


      • sonworshiper
        October 7, 2014

        She’s into dubstep at the moment.


        • thehonkinggoose
          October 7, 2014

          Oh. I appreciate the influence of reggae/dancehall music in dubstep, but most of it makes my head spin.


  6. Amplio Recorrido
    October 4, 2014

    I have said it before and I will again. The reason I personally don’t like Miley Cyrus is because, she’s become extremely distasteful at her concerts and even if her music videos. I’m not sure how much you know of Miley but, she created her own clothing line and it’s targeted for young girls and I don’t mean pre-teens. Her clothing line is as distasteful as her own clothing (or the lack thereof) She recently has been showing that the only thing she’s good for is showing off her body. She used to be very beautiful and wore clothing appropriate for anyone to view. It’s become a point to where she’s only a sex object and she’s done some pretty horrible diets to encourage young girls to be skinny, even if it’s harmful to the body. She’s proven that she doesn’t deserve respect because, she doesn’t respect herself.


    • thehonkinggoose
      October 4, 2014

      I didn’t know about the clothing line. Do you know if she designs clothes herself, or if it’s more like a clothing line created by others and bearing her name? I will say, I am a firm believer that children should dress like children, not like miniature grown ups.

      But I don’t think there is anything wrong with a woman showing off her body (or a man, for that matter). I am discriminating about what I allow my children to watch, but that’s up to parents to monitor their own kids. Adults should be free to create any kind of art they want and to consume and appreciate any kind of art they like.


      • Amplio Recorrido
        October 6, 2014

        I know that the majority of the clothes she did design herself yes. These clothes are extremely skimpy that she was creating and they were way to inappropriate for children and it was targeted for kids ages 5-10 years old. It was extremely inappropriate. I think that yes parents should monitor what their kids watch but, it seems that you can’t even turn on the TV without some skimpy model slopping all over and making food sex with a hamburger (example). It’s just sick.


  7. eduardodefrutos
    October 2, 2014

    I don’t particularly like Miley Cyrus music.


  8. Julia Putzke
    October 2, 2014

    This came to mind as soon as I read this:

    And to be honest, I loved Hannah Montana. I could still watch it. I always imagined her and her dad were like that in real life. She is a beautiful person. I feel like a lot there’s a lot of expectation tied to that kind of fame, but we’re human. We all break. We all need grace to find our way to love.


    • thehonkinggoose
      October 2, 2014

      Thanks for sharing your perspective. The article you linked makes me cringe because the tone is so condescending, but I can see the intention was caring.


  9. Mike Shortall
    October 2, 2014

    I would comment if I cared one way or the other. From what little I know of her or have seen, I agree with adventurejennie. She’s trying way too hard to become “bad” after being so “good” for so long. I would also agree that her handlers, whoever they are, are either using her or simply giving her bad advice.

    Hmmmm … Guess I cared afterall … Go figure.


    • thehonkinggoose
      October 2, 2014

      I don’t like to speculate about the Illuminati involvement in the actions of people of great fame, but I wonder sometimes, because you never really know whats going on behind the scenes.


  10. Victoria
    September 30, 2014

    Her mustic and style just don’t appeal to me. That or I am getting old. 😀


  11. Von Simeon
    September 30, 2014

    I figure, the world needs another young, hot, blonde starlet to hate, and Britney Spears has aged out! Me personally, I likes the Miley. She’s hardheaded, she hates being called Hannah Montana, and she constantly makes fun of herself. How can you hate that?
    P.S. Thanks for following my blog!


  12. mercedesparkles
    September 30, 2014

    I think people don’t like her because she’s changed a lot from “Hannah Montana” and in the way that she’s changed. She’s become a partier, a “sexy/sometime raunchy” image, she often wears things and does things that are inappropriate for young children, and honestly I’m sure a lot of parents don’t want their kids to look up to her. When, frankly, I’m on the side of this being a stage. I’m sorry, but most college girls go through a similar stage, whether it’s more or less extreme, however they’re not in the public eye. So every “slutty” outfit isn’t a scandal.
    That being said, I personally think the whole thing is a load of crap. I LOVE Miley, and I feel people should cut her some slack because she’s a person too. She’s a growing girl and not only is she discovering herself but she’s AT THAT STAGE in life, you know? 🙂
    I totally see why people hate her, but I don’t agree with it. And, let’s face it, I’m sure there are a lot of haters out there just because she’s a beautiful, talented gal. 🙂 Don’t be ashamed of liking Miley, she’s awesome. 😉


    • thehonkinggoose
      September 30, 2014

      She is awesome, isn’t she? And its not like she’s still going around with the Hannah Montana moniker; she’s like a whole different person. But she does get a lot more attention than most positive female role models, so that’s gotta be hard to watch, as a parent. I can sympathize with that.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. cllgarrison
    September 30, 2014

    I also like Miley. She does have a lot of talent. Recently, I started following her on Instagram, and now I can see why people don’t like her. She curses a lot and parades around stage with giant dicks on her head and drinks a lot and does shows hung over. As a parent, I can see how this might be problematic, considering many of her fans are probably 14-18 years old. I wouldn’t want my 14 year old daughter thinking it’s cool to walk around with a dildo headband. So these parents of said teenagers probably don’t want to bring them to her concerts. Then the teenage rage ensues because “I HATE YOU MOM! YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND MY LOVE FOR MILEY.” At least that’s probably how it goes?


    • thehonkinggoose
      September 30, 2014

      Yeah, I might just freak out if I had a daughter who was looking up to Miley and imitating her moves. Sometimes I’m SO thankful I have two sons.


  14. adventurejennie
    September 29, 2014

    Youtube the VMA awards… She was a little… I don’t know what to call that.


    • thehonkinggoose
      September 30, 2014

      Adventurous? Ha ha, just kidding, it was pretty gross…

      Liked by 1 person

      • adventurejennie
        October 1, 2014

        Ha ha ha, and now you know what all the hype was about. Poor teddy bears 😉


  15. adventurejennie
    September 29, 2014

    Maybe it was the shock of her going from innocent Hannah to the wild Miley that we see on tv. I followed her on Instagram for awhile and she seems like such a sweet young woman. I just hate seeing her objectify herself as she demonstrating doggie style with Robin Thicke on the VMA awards a couple of years ago. OMG.
    She’s taken it a bit futher than Madonna ever did. Remember when everyone was like *gasp* Madonna.


    • thehonkinggoose
      September 29, 2014

      I guess I thought maybe there was more to it, something I was missing… Her transformation from innocent to wild makes me like her more, because I can see a little of myself in that story.

      Maybe people are mad because it is forcing them to own up the fact that the nature of our society is what causes many girls to transform into wild showy sex pots.


  16. adventurejennie
    September 29, 2014

    I have a couple of issues with Miley. The first issue is that I think that she is trying way too hard and it’s casting a shadow over her talent. I think she is very talented musically in addition to her acting prowess. She’s also very very funny. I worry that she will eventually run herself into the ground with her antics because some people are turned off by her behavior and that turns them off from listening to her music also.
    Speaking of those antics, I think that she’s being exploited by the people who manage her and her “act”. Sometimes when I watch her on the biography programs, I think that she is often the ass end of some jokes but people are buying it and it turned out to be a success.


    • thehonkinggoose
      September 29, 2014

      Aren’t all super famous non-conformists going to get that though? As for her antics: she is SO young (by which I mean she is younger than me, so obviously super young). I was pretty wild at that age too, but it was mainly my parents who noticed because unlike Miley, I was not a talented singer who is the daughter of a famous talented musician.


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