The Honking Goose

something to honk about

my husband said that

blue speech bubble
We were sitting around the dinner table tonight talking about names. Some people don’t have middle names; some people have two middle names, or two first names. Some people only have one name, like Cher, or this guy I used to work for called Roger. My kids began to tell us what they would name their own children some day. And my nine year old says that he only wants two kids, no more than that.

My husband says,

“Just so you know, it won’t be your choice. It will be your wife’s.”

41 comments on “my husband said that

  1. J.Gi Federizo
    November 25, 2014

    LOL!!!! Smart husband!!!


  2. Ru
    October 28, 2014

    lol classic. your family has a brilliant sense of humour.


  3. wingedprisms
    October 13, 2014

    this put a smile on my face – 🙂 thank you for the follow on butterfly tattoo.


  4. Oh that made me chuckle!


  5. juaneismann
    October 8, 2014

    My niece has two last names and was teased about in school. My brother overruled his wife’s choice even though his own brother (me) had he most common name in the English language. Yes, my name was the source of much ridicule. To this day he doesn’t get it.


  6. Yoshiko
    October 7, 2014



  7. From The Pews
    October 7, 2014

    LOL!!! Nice!!


  8. nearlywes
    October 6, 2014

    That is some good advise haha


  9. Your Moderate Mama
    October 6, 2014


    SCENE: 1st date with future husband

    FUTURE HUSBAND: “My first son WILL be named David Isaac!”

    ME: “You are lucky I’ve known you for 9 years or I would get up and run away!! Why are you talking about children on a first date you nut!!”

    Our first son’s name is…

    David Isaac 🙂


    • thehonkinggoose
      October 6, 2014

      Thank goodness he didn’t have his heart set on Wilhelm Frankfurt.

      (My apologies to anyone named Wilhelm Frankfurt who reads this comment, I didn’t mean it that way. Really.)


    • insaitablesatie514
      October 7, 2014

      sometimes you just KNOW when its meant to be! That made Me smile this oh so very early morning! Thank you!! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Marissa Bergen
    October 6, 2014

    So true!


    • thehonkinggoose
      October 6, 2014

      He thinks so! But I think if I really had my way we’d have had at least one more by now.


      • Marissa Bergen
        October 6, 2014

        Interesting! I really always thought it was the woman who made the final decision, but I guess I will have to change that always to a sometimes.


        • mybrightspots
          October 9, 2014

          Hey, Marissa… funny finding you here. 🙂 I would say that ideally, the decision is made together, with both agreeing. If one wants more than the other, the one that wants fewer should win out. But maybe my marriage is unusual. We aren’t very good at the traditional gender roles. I know a couple where the wife wanted 6 kids. The husband wanted 3. She told me that she would have 6 kids even if the last 3 had to be with a different man. They have 6. I’m pretty sure (at least hopeful) that they are all his. Her attitude was so foreign to me though. Defiantly going against your spouse is just something that neither one of us do.


          • Marissa Bergen
            October 10, 2014

            Dustin Hoffman once was asked about what he thought was the key to a successful marriage and he said something like ‘A marriage will be successful if somewhere deep down, a man is utterly terrified of his wife.” I know marriages have a lot of give an take, and this may sound really cynical, but I kind of believe it. I think most important decisions are made by the women, especially ones that are so focused on a woman’s body. That said, my husband and I both always thought two was a good number.


            • mybrightspots
              October 10, 2014

              I’m skeptical. We’ve been happily married for over half our lives and he’s certainly not terrified of me. That’s not to say that it isn’t a true statement – just not an exclusively true one.

              Our important decisions truly are made jointly. I’ll agree that the woman should have the final say with anything regarding her body, though. But I still think that if it impacts the man (as children do), he ought to be part of the discussion. While a woman should never be forced to carry more children than she wishes, I also don’t think it’s fair to a husband for a woman to decide she wants another child against his wishes. After the baby pops out, the child will impact the man too.

              I once had a professor tell me that he knew his marriage was in trouble when he walked into the recovery room after his wife gave birth (back before the husbands were in the room) and she informed him she had had her tubes tied. Such a decision (in my mind) should have been a joint discussion so he was at minimum not caught by surprise.

              Liked by 1 person

            • Marissa Bergen
              October 10, 2014

              Oh, no, I absolutely agree. The comment that Dustin Hoffman made, is to be taken with a grain of salt. I do think it has some truth in it though. That being said, if a man and woman so widely disagree on so many things, they probably shouldn’t be married.


  11. Norm Houseman
    October 6, 2014

    How very insightful.


  12. Amplio Recorrido
    October 6, 2014

    That’s true because most women refuse to let their husband have say, if they have their heart set on a name lol. It drives me insane that my husband doesn’t have a middle name and so much so that, I have pushed him into filing court papers to get a middle name. I don’t know why, it just seems odd to not have one.


  13. Craig
    October 6, 2014

    That’s actually very thought provoking. Does this mean that women actually have more equality than they think they do(in that regard)? I ask because, being a man, I can’t place a concept on you and make it true, lol


    • thehonkinggoose
      October 6, 2014

      Women have a lot of power, strength, and conviction. Have women been historically oppressed? Yes. As a society, as we work towards a new equilibrium between men and women, there are bound to be some missteps. But I don’t accept that it’s okay to blame men, we all need to bravely accept equal responsibility for working towards solutions.


      • Craig
        October 6, 2014

        Equal responsibility, I like that. Thanks for the insight 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  14. amommasview
    October 5, 2014

    Hehehehe… And I agree. And so it should be 😉


    • thehonkinggoose
      October 6, 2014

      But if I’m completely honest, if I’d had my way we’d have had at least one more by now.


  15. MrJohnson
    October 5, 2014

    Some people don’t even have a name and go by a symbol like Prince…haha


    • thehonkinggoose
      October 6, 2014

      I’m still not sure how that’s supposed to work unless the symbol has a name and then that becomes the name and not the symbol…. i yi yi


  16. perspectivesblogdotco
    October 5, 2014

    haha good advice Dad!


    • thehonkinggoose
      October 6, 2014

      And my son’s response was, “yeah I know.” !!!!!


      • lMdm
        October 24, 2014

        Lovely, you seem to be a strong family 🙂 Thanks for your visit, happy you’ve left with an orange plus, I too hope to come over again. Cheers!


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