The Honking Goose

something to honk about

is this what you think about marijuana? a post about alcohol

Nine wine bottles

Over the past summer, the Gander quit drinking. It was a long time coming, drinking alcohol was a problem for us, and our relationship, and our kids, that it took me years to recognize and understand. Because most of the time it was fine, and once in a while it was really, really bad. I’ve basically giving up drinking as well, there is no booze in our house. I do work at a wine bar, so I’ll have a taste, but not a whole glass. Because of the horror that drunkenness sometimes caused in our household, I’ve grown a really strong aversion to alcohol.

And I think I finally understand how many people think and feel about marijuana. They respond to the topic the same way I now feel about alcohol. Some people have no exposure to positive/optimal cannabis culture. Either they’ve never tried smoking it or if they did, they had a bad time.

two hands passing a joint

I had a mostly positive life-culture relationship to marijuana. My dad smoked it when I was very young in the 80’s, lots of his friends did, too. And they were all great people, normal adults with jobs and families and regular lives. I got into smoking weed as a teenager and it opened my mind, allowed me to see things from new perspectives. I learned a lot. I grew as a person. And I enjoyed the hell out of live music concerts and hikes in nature. Fuck yeah.

I don’t really smoke much herb at this point in my life. I’m busy and I’m just fine without it now that I’ve reached such a happy place in my life. But it has definitely shaped who I am as a person, in ways that I am very satisfied with. So satisfied that I once had the opinion that everyone should smoke marijuana. It would help them relax and get their heads straight and just be chill and be nicer.

Now I can see that it’s not really that simple. Some people have had bad experiences with marijuana as I have had bad experiences with alcohol. Through my experience with booze, I can now relate to the way lots of people perceive cannabis.


I have developed such a strong aversion to drinking and drinking culture now. And it is SO pervasive in our society. It is so acceptable. I feel like I have PTSD in relation to alcohol sometimes. Just a minor reference that other people think is fun and funny can send me into an emotional tailspin.

So I think I finally “get it” – how marijuana can be perceived so negatively. I can relate. Once again, life for the win. Because so often a negative experience can have a positive effect on our lives. We grow and become better people.

What are your personal perceptions of alcohol drinking and marijuana smoking? How do they compare to society’s acceptance or lack thereof for drinking and smoking?

41 comments on “is this what you think about marijuana? a post about alcohol

  1. crazyruthie
    April 5, 2017

    i am a recovering alcoholic, and it’s been a decade or more since i’ve had a drink. i now feel the aversion to alcohol like you do. the smell of a glass of wine makes me feel sick. i agree that alcohol can have very bad consequences and can really ruin a life. i got alcohol poisoning once and it really brought it home to me. my drinking could kill me.

    however, i have nothing but good feelings for marijuana. i’m a medical marijuana patient and have been for many years. i’m bipolar and it can make a bad mood swing up to a good mood pretty much instantly! i used to take narcotic painkillers for fibromyalgia and spinal stenosis. they made me feel so bad, mostly the hideous, painful constipation and constantly living in a sedated, never ending fog. cannabis helped with the pain more than the percocet and didn’t make me feel sick. i feel better in generally when i take it. it relaxes me, and helps with my anxiety problems. it used to give me the munchies which was kind of a problem, but over time that stopped. it can be expensive, but it is so worth it.

    i know some people have bad trips on it, maybe they just aren’t made to use psychedelics. some people hate it and feel like they’ve lost control, which is a big problem for them. personally, i’ve never had a bad trip from marijuana. it’s always been calming and comforting. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • thehonkinggoose
      June 1, 2017

      Thank you for the comment and the personal testimony. I hope we can continue to expand accessibility of marijuana, especially for medical use, in this country.

      Liked by 1 person

      • crazyruthie
        June 4, 2017

        You’re in the UK? I’ve heard a bit about your polictal situation. Sounds like some of what you’re having to deal with is like it is here. I worry about us all and our dying planet. I think I’m going to be dead when no one has health insurance, we’re all sunburned permanently, the middle class is gone, our country is going bankrupt, and most of the people who live in the pleasant area are people of northern European ancestry.

        I just had a procedure done on Friday that I used get through the worst with Percocet. This time I had pot edibles the whole time. It was a good way to get through it.


      • crazyruthie
        June 4, 2017

        You’re in the UK? I’ve heard a bit about your polictal situation. Sounds like some of what you’re having to deal with is like it is here. I worry about us all and our dying planet. I think I’m going to be dead when no one has health insurance, we’re all sunburned permanently, the middle class is gone, our country is going bankrupt, and most of the people who live in the pleasant areas are people of northern European ancestry. That’s​ fucked, but not surprising.

        I just had a procedure done on Friday that I used get through the worst with Percocet. This time I had pot edibles the whole time. It was a good way to get through it. I used a tincture of CBD and THC. I smoked a couple joints for immediate relief. Hooray for mmj! How is your evening?

        Liked by 1 person

  2. MaryTaughtYou
    April 3, 2017

    I really love this! I stopped drinking about a year ago, and only recently have I had an occasional drink. It’s just not that satisfying to me…my grandfather was a drinker, and so is my dad…I got into marijuana in college and haven’t really had any crazy bad stories, not related to the herb at least. I feel out of place sometimes with ppl drinking and acting ridiculous because I just want to chill and smoke. the only bad thing about it, for me, is the munchies, but now that I’ve changed my eating habits, my only problem with cannabis is that it’s illegal. My problem with drinking is everything. That stuff kills!

    Liked by 1 person

    • thehonkinggoose
      June 1, 2017

      The pervasiveness of drinking culture in our society is really sad. It is a poison. Not just to individuals, but to our social/communal well being.


  3. Da_weed
    February 23, 2017

    Hey ! First of all, congrats on achieving your goal to cut down on drinking, not a lot of people are able to do that. Secondly, i must say i agree with every single point you brought up about cannabis, it does open your mind to a lot of things. For me personally it helped me stay in school through my parents divorce which has affected me way more than i can admit. Cannabis is something that is borderline magical, and it sucks to see people being put down for using it, especially when they need help to cope. Best of luck in all of your endeavors. Stay high and don’t be shy to say hi 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. theyogallery
    February 10, 2017

    I stay clear of the weed these days.
    It did me some damage back in the day.
    I still crave it though and will go on a mad bender if I get my hands on some.
    It’s not pretty.
    So you are totally right, honking goose.
    Some people are at ease with one and not the other.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Erica
    February 6, 2017

    Thank you for sharing your experience. I have had nothing but positive experiences with weed but just like every drug. It’s not for everyone and that’s something I think most people tend to forget. Looking forward to reading more blog posts on this.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thehonkinggoose
      February 8, 2017

      “I have had nothing but positive experiences with weed”

      I think that is pretty common. And I doubt many people can say the same about alcohol. 😉


  6. lifeofamillennialweb
    February 1, 2017

    Loved this post, made my own personal marijuana post yesterday. I liked reading people perspectives on this topic, along with others. I think I basically look at alcohol as some look at marijuana negatively. Either way good topic!

    Liked by 1 person

    • thehonkinggoose
      February 8, 2017

      Thanks for the feedback, I’m glad you liked it.


    • thehonkinggoose
      February 8, 2017

      Oh, and the name of your blog doesn’t link to your site. It’s an easy fix in admin somewhere. Highly recommend so people (like me) can follow your comment back to your site.


      • lifeofamillennialweb
        February 8, 2017

        Ahh okay I will look around and figure it out thank you!

        Liked by 1 person

  7. musicalweed
    January 28, 2017

    After years of alcohol use, and only recently discovering marijuana in the last few years (for use…I had known about the bad marijuanas for years!), I have had a similar experience in my life. After self medicating for years with alcohol I finally realized what a toll it took on my life and those around me, because I wasn’t just drinking recreationally, I was drinking to dull the pain of reality. When cannabis became legal in Oregon I tried it for the first time, and it has been life changing. As you mentioned, it has changed my perspective on everything and who I am as a person. I personally use/grow medical marijuana for PTSD among a host of other issues, but I believe it is definitely capable of providing a life changing experience for those from any walk of life. Instead of medicating to dull the reality of life, I now medicate to ENHANCE the reality of my life.

    Liked by 2 people

    • thehonkinggoose
      February 8, 2017

      Thank you for sharing your personal experience. The movement for legalization is really positive. I’m looking forward to seeing how things change over then next couple of decades.

      Liked by 1 person

      • musicalweed
        February 8, 2017

        Same with me, I am looking forward to the changes we make. Luckily, because of cannabis, I should be around to observe the next few decades… 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  8. ganjachronicles
    January 17, 2017

    Definitely understand how marijuana is not for everyone, same with alcohol. I think it’s unfairly portrayed in the media as a gateway drug for heavy things like meth and heroin, which is bullshit. Other than that, of course, I entirely get it that some people have negative experiences with marijuana, like all other things. Awesome post and look forward to reading more from you! Nat xx

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Echo
    December 16, 2016

    Just a little bit of green to lay my head to sleep…song called Tragedy lol but not bc of the green…
    Im a fan. (; xoxo

    Liked by 2 people

    • thehonkinggoose
      December 16, 2016

      Right on

      Liked by 1 person

      • Echo
        December 16, 2016

        Love how you just said it too. I fear I’d spark the retaliation of Pinterest moms, long may they Judge, but you just say shit and that’s why I heart you stay cool xoxo

        Liked by 1 person

        • thehonkinggoose
          December 17, 2016

          I live in the very heart of the Emerald Triangle in NorCal, so it has never been taboo in my culture. That is something for which I am very thankful.

          Liked by 1 person

  10. joey
    December 15, 2016

    Meh, I’m in favor of legalizing marijuana countrywide. I’m not a partaker, but I don’t see the harm and I so see the revenue. I hate saying that, because someone always jumps me with strange and horrible pot-smoking stories, but that’s how I feel.
    I see the benefits.
    A handful of alcoholic beverages work for me, and I’m good with that.
    I have sensitivities to all kindsa things, so it’s fairly easy for me to say not everything is for everyone.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thehonkinggoose
      December 16, 2016

      There are plenty of horrible alcohol-drinking stories as well, but still many people don’t see the equivalency. People are funny. At least pot doesn’t make people angry and violent as alcohol often does. You hear about drunk drivers killing people all the time, but when have you ever heard of a stoned driver killing someone? I never have and I know a lot of people drive stoned, legal or not. I think prohibition of marijuana will end and the world will be better for it.


  11. Elyse
    December 15, 2016

    I’m sipping on a glass of wine right now. I’m at home, with no need to go anywhere. I don’t see a problem with that.

    I don’t have a problem with pot, either (although I loathe the smell of it). I never tried it, for a number of reasons, one being that I was newly sick with Crohn’s, and having side effects from legitimate drugs; I didn’t think illegal ones would be such a hot idea (this was many years before the advent of medical marijuana). Then I grew up and pot just wasn’t such a thing any more.

    But it should be legal — certainly if alcohol is, with the same laws regarding restrictions for driving, etc. We as a society have such stupid ideas — illegal marijuana is one.

    Liked by 3 people

    • thehonkinggoose
      December 17, 2016

      Medical marijuana has so much fewer and less severe side effects than prescription medications. I’ve seen people absolutely transformed for the better by it. It really is a blessing. I believe Crohn’s is one of the afflictions that medical marijuana is very helpful for, but I’m not sure, I’d have to look it up.

      Liked by 2 people

  12. Just Me
    December 15, 2016

    As to the ER visits, I was not the injured party, I should clarify, haha! Just realized how that sounded. 2 of my friends injured themselves horsing around at my parties, one of them ended up in the ER twice. They play rough, these friends of mine. They just have to do it at someone else’s house now!

    Liked by 1 person

    • thehonkinggoose
      December 17, 2016

      Whatever you say. I’ve never seen anything like that happen at a party where people are primarily smoking pot.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Godless Cranium
    December 15, 2016

    I don’t personally smoke weed. I drink very little.

    However, I think people should be allowed to do both legally speaking.

    Liked by 3 people

    • thehonkinggoose
      December 16, 2016

      Me, too. CA voted and now it’s “legal” here, but nothing has changed yet, because it is still illegal to sell until permits are effective Jan. 2018, I believe, so more wait and see. I wonder if ending prohibition of alcohol was the similar, or if it was more immediately in effect.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Just Me
    December 15, 2016

    ***moritorium on DRINKING parties, haha. Correction!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Just Me
    December 15, 2016

    Well, our new daddy (Trump *ahem*) seems to think the legalization of pot will dramatically increase poverty!! Hmmph.

    Brainfart. I have NO idea where THAT violent outburst came from…okay, back on track now. Phew…

    I can see your point. I was raised to discard any notion of drugs, alcohol, etc. My parents were extremely conservative. Looking back, I realize they did their best in this regard, but…..

    I tried pot once. It was laced. When it hit, I sat on the floor, huddled against a bare wall in the starkly empty apartment I was moving out of, with my arms tightly wrapped around my knees for what seemed like an eternity. It was terrifying. What made it more dramatic was the fact that I was alone because that was the only way I felt safe in those moments.

    For years, this experience was enough to cause me to “just say no.”

    Now? I’m definitely planning a small sampling party in January. Wanna come to my sampling party? We could use your expertise! :o))

    I also like alcohol, Scotch being my favorite. But it does suck when imbibing causes problems. It can be a real empty and unfortunate discovery if we look back on certain experiences and see how they were marked by the over-consumption of alcohol. I feel you on the discomfort of that. But it’s such a sign of awesomeness to come out of all of that to find your joy in life! Good on ya!

    I’ve declared a moratorium of parties in my home since none of us can behave and even remotely resemble responsible adults when we drink. My last 3 parties concluded with firetrucks, ambulances, and cop cars joining the reindeer games. I’ve become friends with the overnight ER physician at the nearest hospital. Bleh! Not good.

    Live and learn, I guess! Excellent question for ponderings and such as! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  16. insanitybytes22
    December 15, 2016

    Hmm, interesting questions. I think what I dislike is the whole culture of addiction, the way we’re often seeking substances to fill a void. There are other kinds of highs in life, ways to relax. Sometimes I worry that we’re stuffing our feelings too, trying to drown them out rather then deal with them. Many of the things that make us human are the things we are rejecting. There’s a huge prescription drug industry too, so we’re creating this whole culture where there’s something wrong with you and we have a pill for that.

    Liked by 3 people

    • thehonkinggoose
      December 15, 2016

      “what I dislike is the whole culture of addiction, the way we’re often seeking substances to fill a void”

      Exactly. And like you say, the prescription drug industry is doing the same thing as well. And like alcohol it is fully legal and socially acceptable.

      michelle213norton pointed out in her comment that prohibition didn’t work either. I think that is true for alcohol and cannabis. So somehow as a society we need to examine the broader implications of substances while accepting their legal status.

      Liked by 1 person

  17. michelle213norton
    December 15, 2016

    One of my fav bumper stickers “God made pot, man made beer, who do you trust?”
    Alcohol prohibition did not work and it’s not working with pot either. The government should have very minimal say in what we put in our bodies (I don’t believe hard drugs should be legal.)

    Liked by 5 people

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